88 research outputs found

    Formación de Haz Adaptativo para Objetos Móviles usando Algoritmos Genéticos

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     Context: This works investigates the use of Genetic Algorithm (GA) for beamforming on a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) environment under different Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNR), assuming a reference signal is known.Method: The GA is a method inspired in evolutionary principles to optimize an objective function by choosing the best candidates of a population. The population is randomly generated to ensure high diversity and get a global optimization. On the other hand, the Least Means squares (LMS) algorithm is an adaptive algorithm with guaranteed convergence as long as a reference signal is known.Results: The GA converged faster than the LMS in all tested scenarios. Besides, GA achieved best results in pointing the beam for uncorrelated static sources. Additionally, proper tuning of GA parameters allowed fast convergence and improved tracking of moving targets.Conclusions: The simulation results confirm that the GA is able to obtain a convergent and accurate tool for beamforming and tracking of moving targets, given a reference signal. Hence, GA turns to be promising in replacing LMS on Smart Antenna Systems for increasing channel capacity.Contexto: En este trabajo se investiga el uso de un Algoritmo Genético (GA) para la conformación del haz de un arreglo de antenas en ambientes de Acceso Múltiple por División de Código (CDMA) bajo diferentes relaciones Señal a Ruido, asumiendo que la señal de referencia es conocida.Método: El Algoritmo Genético es un método inspirado en principios evolutivos, usado para optimizar una función objetivo seleccionando los mejores candidatos de una población. La población es generada aleatoriamente para asegurar alta diversidad y conseguir una optimación global. Por otro lado, el algoritmo LMS es un algoritmo que garantiza la convergencia siempre y cuando la señal de referencia sea conocida.Resultados: El GA converge más rápidamente en que el algoritmo LMS en todos los escenarios probados. Además, el GA consiguió mejores resultados apuntando el haz para fuentes estáticas descorrelacionadas. Adicionalmente, una apropiada selección de los parámetros del GA permite una mayor  velocidad de convergencia y un mejorado rastreamiento de fuentes en movimiento.Conclusiones: Los resultados de las simulaciones confirman que el GA es una herramienta capaz de obtener una convergencia y precisión en la conformación del haz y el rastreamiento de fuentes en movimiento dada una señal de referencia. Por lo tanto, el GA resulta prometedor para sustituir el algoritmo LMS en sistemas de antenas inteligentes y aumentar la capacidad del canal

    A concept-environment for computer-based augmentative and alternative communication founded on a systematic review

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    Introduction: locked-In Syndrome is admittedly the worst case of motor and speech impairment, it seriously damages the ability of oral and gestural communication of patients. In recent years, alternative and augmentative communication technology has provided resources to restore these patients' ability to communicate. Methods: in order to relate and classify the main methods with that purpose, this work conducted a systematic review on several journal databases. Results: we found 203 related papers and 55 of them were selected to compose the study. After that, we classified them into three major groups and we identified the main difficulties when using each approach. Conclusion: in order to overcome these difficulties, we propose a new system concept to develop an adaptive, robust and low cost communication environment. The proposed system is composed of five modules: data entry, communication, aid to the caregiver and external interaction


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    Esta pesquisa objetiva evidenciar pessoas que contribuíram para o surgimento e o desenvolvimento das Danças Urbanas no município do Rio Grande/RS. Através de estudo de cunho qualitativo, caracterizado como uma pesquisa descritiva, e tendo como instrumento de pesquisa e coleta de informações a entrevista semi-estruturada. Realizamos uma entrevista com dois bailarinos que propuseram as Danças Urbanas sistematizada e com vistas à profissionalização. Identificamos os atravessamentos das Danças Urbanas com os estúdios de dança da cidade, seu processo de profissionalização e a projeção de bailarinos e professores que são reconhecidos como os pioneiros e líderes de grupos de dança importantes no município

    An unusual case of bacillary angiomatosis in the oral cavity of an AIDS patient who had no concomitant tegumentary lesions – case report and review

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    Bacillary angiomatosis (BA) is an angioproliferative disease of immunocompromised patients that usually presents as vascular tumors in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. It is caused by chronic infections with either Bartonella henselae or B. quintana. Oral cavity BA is exceedingly rare and even rarer without simultaneous cutaneous disease. We report herein the case of a 51-year-old HIV-infected man who presented severe odynophagia and an eroded lesion on the hard palate that progressed to an oronasal fistula. No cutaneous lesions were recorded. Doxycycline led to complete resolution. To the best of our knowledge, only six previous cases of oral BA without tegumentary disease have been previously reported and none of them progressed to fistula